
前面太无厘头了,后面终于进入状态开始吸引人了。At beginning, the hero found himself to be a loser after he accidently knew that his wife has an affair with his boss, then he became a desperate man with nothing to lose and got involved in a series of radiculous events including robbing his own firm as a revenge to his boss. However, he got survived from the hell when he knew that the affair was not true and his wife still loved him, then he needed to get his life back to normal. The feeling is so subtle that it rules your life completely. Your status being in paradise or hell depends on your feeling, of course a rational feeling. I am master of fate and ruler of destiny, from the black man.除了结尾草率、失控,都挺好的,还保持着娄烨独特的调调。我想了下娄烨的调调是怎么形成的,结论是可能包括手提摄影、运动的长镜头、长焦镜头(宾馆开房的一场甚至故意虚焦)、空镜头、颓废迷离的音乐、灰黄的色调。手提摄影和长焦镜头结合形成特殊效果,摇晃,并且景别和景深都很小,不安全感强烈。圣诞节将至,克拉格林(肖恩·古恩 饰)向银河护卫队讲述了勇度在星爵(克里斯·帕拉特 饰)童年的一次圣诞节经历。螳螂女(庞·克莱门捷夫 饰)与德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 饰)随后决定一起找一份完美的圣诞礼物,送给一直因为卡魔拉的离去而郁郁寡欢的星爵。



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